The Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) is taking place within the project MAIA-TAQA whose objective is to develop and promote new innovative services in three Mediterranean areas: Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.
To this purpose three “Innovation One Stop Shop” (IOSS) are being implemented and developed in each of the three targeted countries. Each IOSS will deliver a number of services to the Lebanese renewable energy community.
Required tasks and services for the IOSS event management include the following:
- All related communication and event management arrangements, protocols, registration etc.
- All conference materials design and printings (conference theme, PowerPoint presentation background, invitations, roll-ups, backdrops, banners, name tags, give away bags, pens and notebooks)
- English-Arabic invitation to the panel discussion and the launch event
- Professional video and photo shooting
- Media management and coverage of the event
- Logistical means for attendees to arrive at the campus
- Technical supports during the zoom webinar sessions
Execution of the event
IOSS launch will take place in the “Energy Strategies Summit 2022: It takes a village!” on Wednesday 28th of September, in Beirut at the MEA Training Center from 4:30pm till 6pm, then the guests will attend a presentation about the MAIA-TAQA project aims and objectives, followed by a Q&A session about the IOSS call.
Financial conditions
The value of the service will be determined based on the submitted offers and the quality of the proposed services within the budget allocated to the launch event in the project.
Profile of service providers
Interested service providers must have previous experience in event management and are capable of providing the above-mentioned services. It is necessary to fill all fields in the application, in addition to sending a full profile with previous undertaken services and events.
The adopted selection criteria:
- Experienced event management service provider
- English proficiency of organizers
- Available registration papers
- Service providers must not be in a position of conflict of interest with respect to the contract for which they are applying.
How to apply
All the interested parties can submit an application in response to this EoI, using the format “Application form“.
On the basis of applications received and in compliance with the stated requirements the selection committee will evaluate all received applications and service providers’ profiles (including previous works). The applications will be evaluated and accordingly subjects contracted based on the offer, previous works, and ability to fulfill requirements.
ELCIM at the Industrial Research Institute has the right to select the service provider with the specific and adequate skills required according to the evaluation of the selection committee.
The application must be sent to the following email: [email protected]
Or [email protected] max by the date of 22.09.2022
Personal data and Privacy
ELCIM at the Industrial Research Institute will use the data contained in the documentation submitted by the service providers, exclusively in the context of this selection procedure and in compliance with the rules laid down by EU Regulation 2016 / n. 679.