Call For a Printing House

To Print The Transdairy Living Lab Handbook

Page Count: 47 pages

  • Cover Specifications: Hard cover with a 300gsm weight
  • Printing Technique: 4 colors – Offset
  • Inside Pages: Full-color printing
  • Trim Size: 21×29.7cm
  • Quantity: 300
  • Project Deadline: 31st of October 2023
  • Expected delivery of service : 25th of October 2023

For the benefit of the TRANSDAIRY EU co-funded project under the ENI CBC Med Programme

ELCIM at the Industrial Research Institute, the Lebanese partner in the ENI CBC MED TRANSDAIRY is inviting a professional printing press provider to submit a financial proposal for the printing of the TRANSDAIRY Project’s “Living Lab Handbook”

The Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) is taking place within the project TRANSDAIRY under the activity 5.7.1 – Lab Model for DVC based on 5 Helix and Handbook

The required tasks and services are as follows

Proposal Requirements:

  • Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs, including printing, binding, and any additional services.
  • Specify the timeline for handbook delivery.
  • Outline any additional services you can provide (proofreading, shipping).
  • Detail any recommendations or suggestions to enhance the quality of the final product or a suggestion of different paper weights or printing technique.

Application Process: Interested candidates are invited to submit their financial offer including the mentioned requirements via email to: [email protected]

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Quality of printing and binding
  • Adherence to project timeline
  • Proven experience in similar projects
  • Additional services offered

ELCIM at the Industrial Research Institute will select the printing press provider with the specific requirements according to the evaluation of the selection committee.
The application must be sent to the following email: [email protected] or to [email protected]  max by the date of 20.10.2023

Applications received after this date will not be considered.

Financial conditions

The value of the service will be determined based on the submitted offers and the quality of the proposed services within the budget allocated to the printing of the TRANSDAIRY handbook.

Personal data and Privacy

ELCIM at the Industrial Research Institute will use the data contained in the documentation submitted by the service providers, exclusively in the context of this selection procedure and in compliance with the rules laid down by EU Regulation 2016 / n. 679.
