Call for Development of International Co-Patents

As part of the activities of the Living Lab, The Euro Lebanese Centre of Industrial Modernisation (ELCIM) at the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) under the ENI CBC MED TRANSDAIRY project is launching a call for applications to finance scientific co-patent preparation and registration in “Dairy, Bio-Nano and ICT” offering solutions for the Dairy Value Chain.

The financing of each scientific patent has a ceiling of 6500 Euros.

Who can participate?

Researchers, Engineers, professionals in the field, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, with innovative technologies in Bio-Nano and ICT applied to the Dairy Value Chain. Co patency agreement with at least one of the Living Lab participants from the partner countries (Lebanon, Greece, Italy Tunisia) of the TRANSDAIRY ENI project CBC MED is considered as a plus.

Candidates wishing to participate in this call must meet the following criteria:

  • Residents in Lebanon, Tunisia, Italy or Greece
  • Possessing research results or technologies ready to be patented
  • Having experimentally proven research results or technologies (TRL 4 and above) i.e: demonstrating scientific publication

Additional benefits for selected and shortlisted candidates:

  • They will benefit from potential B2B meetings in the cross –border event days of the TRANSDAIRY project which will be held from the 25th of April till the 28th 2023 at the HORECA event in Lebanon.
  • They will also take part during this event in meetings programmed between the innovators of the TRANSDAIRY living labs from the four Mediterranean countries (Italy, Lebanon, Greece, and Tunisia) Dairy Value chain Professionals, private sector investors and national donors.
  • They will have the opportunity to create synergies with other innovators of the TRANSDAIRY living labs with potential ideas for joint projects.


• The Details and application form must be sent by email no later than 05.04.2023 at 5:00 pm to the following address:
[email protected]  mentioning in subject: call for co-patent/TRANSDAIRY project

• The Registration link must be filled before April 05,2023
