Call for a Workshop Service Provider

ELCIM at the Industrial Research Institute (IRI), the Lebanese partner of the EMPHASIS project, is putting out the current call-in order to find appropriately qualified, experienced individuals or institutions to apply as an event management provider to take in charge the organization and implementation of the EMPHASIS project workshop event. The workshop is under the title “Building Bridges Across the Euro-Mediterranean: Enhancing Policy Engagement for Sustainable Cooperation and Development.”

A – Company profile
Experience in events management and /or organization of similar management activities.

B- Responsibilities
The Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) is taking place within the project EMPHASIS project whose objective is to deploy and validate a Mediterranean Open Innovation service platform, aiming at better linking the fragmented innovation systems of the region by facilitating meaningful cross-border knowledge flows, empower SMEs with the skill-sets required to tap into external knowledge base and turn it into value and identify fields that can turn sustainability challenges (e.g., agri-food, energy, materials) into business opportunities.
Required tasks and services for the workshop event management include the following:
1. Securing and rental space area in Le Royal Hotel – August 22
2. Provision of audio-visual equipment for the possibility of presentation by speakers/presenters as well as a microphone installation.
3.Catering, at the event there will be two (2) coffee breaks during the workshop and one (1) lunch for 20 people.
4.Sending conference invitations from the Lebanese partner side.

C- Financials

Upon approval of invoice by Project Manager, the cost of the Emphasis workshop will be covered totally by the Industrial Research Institute.
D- How to apply
All the interested parties can submit a financial proposal in response to this term of reference.
On the basis of applications received and in compliance with the stated requirements the selection committee will evaluate all received applications and select the appropriate party based on the offer, and ability to fulfill requirements.
Kindly send your proposals by hand or by email to [email protected]
Deadline to apply: August 18, 2023
