About Us


We Turn Innovative Ideas into Successful Businesses!

At ELCIM, we’re all about evolution and adaptation. We support SMEs, startups, and spin-offs with tailored services like:

  • Capacity-building programs,
  • Funding access,
  • Facilitating market access,
  • and Networking Opportunities.

We’re here to bridge the gap between industry and academia, fostering innovation and growth.

Business Support

By supporting the growth and success of SMEs, we aim to create a sustainable future for all.

Trusted Company

We are initiated by the Lebanese Government and the European Union in order to improve the performance of Lebanese enterprises.

Company Mission

Our mission is to enhance the performance and competitiveness of Lebanese enterprises.

Our Vision

Our vision is to support SMEs in Lebanon, driven by innovation, efficiency, and international competitiveness.


Our Affiliates

The Centre for Innovation and Technology

The Centre for Innovation and Technology (CIT) is a dynamic division of the Industrial Research Institute (IRI), established to secure sustained support and innovation to the manufacturing industry.

Lebanon SoftShore Cluster

The Lebanon Softshore (LSS) is a software cluster, managed by ELCIM with the mission to propel the Lebanese software industry into the global scene by offering them the knowledge, the tools and the support to withstand an expansion of that scale.


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